Keeping your Django field files in-check
Django has some interesting behavior, in that, if you update or delete a model file or image field, it doesn’t actually delete the associated file from your filesystem. That's the case whether the file is locally saved or on a …
Checking MIME types for uploaded files
If you're allowing file uploads from your users, whether that's for images or not. It might be a good idea to put a MIME type check to ensure that you are accepting the right type and format of file. What's …
Asynchronous forms with Django and vanilla JS
Let's build an asynchronous form handler using Django and vanilla JS. No page refreshing needed here.
Site configurations for your Django project
All of our products come packaged with a set of models to manage your site configurations.
Handle your images the right way using Django
On one side, we want to make our page visually engaging, but on the other side, we have to think carefully about treating bandwidth as a currency.
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Stripping whitespace from your Django HTML
At some point in your Django project, you will likely consider options for client side performance optimizations. Minifying HTML is a low-hanging fruit here, which simply involves stripping the white space from your HTML code so that you reduce the …
5 Popular websites that use Django
If you're learning about Django, you may be interested to know that this open-source web framework has been used to create some extremely popular websites and applications. We've explored five below, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. …
Django vs WordPress
If we had to sum up Django in one sentence, we would say it's the preferred platform for the creation of unique and seamless web applications, where developers have absolute control and ability to customize anything they need. Choose the …